† Corresponding author. E-mail:
This work is dedicated to Michelle Mucheng Zhu. Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFA0206301).
Two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors isoelectronic to phosphorene have been drawing much attention recently due to their promising applications for next-generation (opt)electronics. This family of 2D materials contains more than 400 members, including (a) elemental group-V materials, (b) binary III–VII and IV–VI compounds, (c) ternary III–VI–VII and IV–V–VII compounds, making materials design with targeted functionality unprecedentedly rich and extremely challenging. To shed light on rational functionality design with this family of materials, we systemically explore their fundamental band gaps and alignments using hybrid density functional theory (DFT) in combination with machine learning. First, calculations are performed using both the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof exchange–correlation functional within the general-gradient-density approximation (GGA-PBE) and Heyd–Scuseria–Ernzerhof hybrid functional (HSE) as a reference. We find this family of materials share similar crystalline structures, but possess largely distributed band-gap values ranging approximately from 0 eV to 8 eV. Then, we apply machine learning methods, including linear regression (LR), random forest regression (RFR), and support vector machine regression (SVR), to build models for the prediction of electronic properties. Among these models, SVR is found to have the best performance, yielding the root mean square error (RMSE) less than 0.15 eV for the predicted band gaps, valence-band maximums (VBMs), and conduction-band minimums (CBMs) when both PBE results and elemental information are used as features. Thus, we demonstrate that the machine learning models are universally suitable for screening 2D isoelectronic systems with targeted functionality, and especially valuable for the design of alloys and heterogeneous systems.
Last decade has witnessed the rocketing development of two-dimensional (2D) materials, which find promising applications in next-generation electronics and optoelectronics.[1–4] The performance of a 2D electronic device depends sensitively on the fundamental electronic properties of the candidate material: a non-zero band gap, proper band edge positions, and high mobility are in general the requisites. In contrary to semi-metallic graphene[1,2] and low-mobility transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)[5,6] that fail to deliver good device performance, phosphorene is semiconducting while still maintaining a high hole mobility,[7–11] thereby emerging as a potential candidate for 2D electronics. However, poor chemical stability has limited its practical applications.[12] To overcome such obstacles, searching for 2D materials with similar electronic properties but better chemical stability is essential.
Recently, high-throughput materials screening has emerged as an effective method to search for materials with targeted functionality.[13–16] The workflow for materials discovery is separated to different layers: starting with crude and low-precision computations to narrow the candidacy pool, and followed by precise but expensive calculations to identify the candidate materials. The initial materials pool is usually a subset of the ICSD database[17] with large amount of candidates, resulting in tedious prescreening and large computational efforts. A prescreening method that is both accurate and computationally efficient is greatly desired, where machine learning can play an important role. In combination with density functional theory (DFT), machine learning has demonstrated valuable applications in functional materials design,[18] properties predictions,[19–22] and many other fields[23,24] for traditional bulk materials. It is intriguing to apply such machine learning methods to two-dimensional systems to accelerate materials discovery, which is largely unexplored but fundamentally and technologically important.
Here, we have explored the fundamental band gaps and band alignments of a group of 2D semiconductors that are isoelectronic to phosphorene using machine learning techniques in combination with density functional theory. The methodology is discussed in Section
All our calculations are based on DFT using projector-augmented waves[29] (PAW) as implemented in the VASP[30] code. We have used periodic boundary conditions throughout the study, with monolayer structures represented by a periodic array of slabs separated by a vacuum region at least 15 Å thick. We use the Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof (PBE)[31] exchange–correlation functional for the initial structure optimization based on the conjugate gradient method[32] with a 400 eV energy cutoff. All geometries are treated as optimized when none of the residual Hellmann–Feynman forces exceed 10−2 eV/Å. On top of PBE-optimized structures, a single-shot screened hybrid functional calculation (HSE)[33,34] is performed to obtain the fundamental band gap and alignment of the material. We have used standard values for the mixing parameter (0.25) and the range-separation parameter (0.2 Å−1). The reciprocal space is sampled by a grid[35] finer than 10 × 10 × 1 k-points in the Brillouin zone of the primitive unit cell.
The obtained DFT results are then analyzed with machine learning models as implemented in scikit-learn[36] package. The relation between target electronic properties and predictors can be established via supervised learning methods. A good predictive model depends sensitively on the choice of regression models, selection of predictors, as well as the quality of our dataset. For a given data set, it is important to select proper predictors and suitable regression models to achieve good predictive ability with high accuracy. To achieve this goal in current study, we have selected three different predictor sets, which are different combinations of the computed PBE results and fundamental signatures of constituent elements. Then, we utilize a variety of regression methods, including linear regressions, random forest regression, and support vector machine regression, to predict the target electronic properties.
In the LR method, the regression coefficients of predictors, w, are determined by optimizing the following cost function L(
When the relation between the target property and the predictors is not linear, regression methods like RFR and SVR with a non-linear kernel are supposed to capture the nonlinear feature–target relationship. Random forest is one type of ensemble methods. It grows a number of decision trees via bootstrapping the sample space. For each decision tree, a randomly selected subset of the feature space is used, which can effectively minimize the correlation between different trees. Then, the target value is predicted by majority vote of these trees for classification or averaging the predicted result of each tree in regression problems. Importantly, the random forest model is easy to interpret and it can output the relative importance of different features, thereby providing insights on the elemental signatures that determine the targeted electronic properties of materials in the present study.
We also use a SVR model with a radial basis function (RBF) kernel to predict the calculated electronic properties with fundamental materials features. The support vector machine model utilizes the kernel trick to map low-dimensional non-separable data to a higher dimension where they can be separated via a hyper-plane. The optimized hyper-plane can be identified by the so-called supported vectors. The kernel trick makes it possible to compute the inner product of the projected data in the higher dimension without specifying the mapping function, which is usually time-consuming or even impossible to specify. SVR uses a hinge-loss function ∑i max (0, 1 − yif(xi)), which is minimized during the model training process. The RBF kernel used in the present work has the form of K(xi,xj) = exp(−γ║xi − xj║2).
![]() | Table 1. Three sets of predictors used for machine learning models to predict electronic band gaps and band alignments. . |
In addition to the type of machine learning methods we choose, a proper selection of feature space is also critical to achieve robust and accurate prediction. Previous studies usually include a large amount of predictors in the feature space and then conduct dimension reduction, which is likely to hide important physical insights of the model. Here, instead, we intend to compare the prediction power of PBE results as features and merely fundamental chemical and physical signatures of constituent elements in the materials. With this consideration, as shown in Table
The 2D group-V elemental materials, such as phosphorene[8,37] and antimonene,[38] can be stabilized in two distinct structural phases, the black and blue phosphorene phases, as defined to be phases I and II in Fig.
Binary compounds can be derived from their elemental counterparts by cation mutation while the averaged valence electrons are conserved to be five.[40] Based on such a principle, group IV–VI and III–VII compounds can be conveniently designed and they are isoelectronic to the well-studied group-V elemental materials. In addition to two base structures mentioned previously, III–VII compounds can also be stabilized in a special structure with a primitive cell of approximately square shape, as defined to be the phase III in Fig.
The isoelectronic design principle can be further generalized to construct ternary compounds. As shown in Figs.
To build a database for this family of 2D materials, we have considered entire group-III, group-IV, group-V, group-VI, and group-VII elements (except the radiative Tl, Po, and At) for isoelectronic materials design. For elemental and binary materials, three structural phases, phase-I, phase-II, and phase-III, are treated as the base structures to perform element mutation. Following the design principle above, we have constructed 15 elemental materials and 108 binary compounds. For ternary compounds, we only use phase-I and phase-II as the base to construct isoelectronic compounds, giving 328 distinct 2D materials. Then, we perform DFT calculations to obtain the optimized structures, the fundamental band gaps, and the absolute positions of band edges at both PBE and HSE levels. In fact, not all the element combinations can maintain the structural phases we are interested in the present work. Especially, materials containing B, C, O, and N are in general not able to be stabilized in the desired structural form. The data points corresponding to these materials are eliminated from the database and not used for machine learning exploration.
The calculated electronic properties, fundamental band gaps, VBMs, and CBMs, are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. Relation between PBE and HSE results of (a) fundamental band gaps, (b) VBMs, and (c) CBMs. The dashed lines are guide to the eyes, indicating the case of HSE values equaling PBE values. |
For the absolute positions of band edges, the linear relationship between HSE and DFT-PBE is even more clear. The VBM position of a material, referenced to the vacuum level, corresponds to its electron ionization energy, which in general can be predicted by HSE to a good agreement with experiments. As shown in Fig.
To gain deeper insights into the electronic properties of this family of materials, we have shown the distributions of band gaps, VBMs, and CBMs with respect to both materials types and structural phases (Fig.
As mentioned in Section
As inferred from Section
Similarly, in order to predict VBMHSE positions, the VBMPBE values are used as the only feature in set-I predictors space. The predicted VBMHSE positions of validation sets are presented in Fig.
![]() | Table 2. Prediction errors of band gaps in the LR, RFR, and SVR models. . |
The ideal predictive model would rather have elemental information of constituent elements as the feature space, instead of DFT results at any level of theory. This would greatly improve the model efficiency and even make real-time interactive prediction possible. We have created predictors set-II to fulfill such a purpose. Details about this set of predictors are discussed in Subsection
For this set of predictors, we have applied LR, RFR, and SVR to predict the targeted electronic properties. The performances of these models are shown in Fig.
The undesired performance of the LR model indicates that the nonlinear relationship between the set-II predictors and computed HSE results is essential. Complicated models, like RFR and SVR, are likely to capture the nonlinearity in the feature–target relation. Indeed, we find both RFR and SVR models have better performance than the former LR model. SVR is found to give the lowest RMSEs: 0.57 eV for band gaps, 0.49 eV for VBMs, and 0.43 eV for CBMs, corresponding to MAPEs of 16.80%, 4.83%, and 7.07%, which achieve approximately 50% error reduction from the LR model. Even though the performance is still inferior to LR with DFT-PBE results as the features, it should be noted that the SVR model we developed here is of advantage to be used for fast materials screening due to its convenient feature space with no requirements for DFT calculations.
Although RFR is not the best predictive model, it can provide precious insights into important features that determine the underlying materials properties. Alongside training of a RFR model, we can also obtain the relative importance of predictors in the feature space. For band-gap prediction, the most significant feature is the average mass: the heavier the compounds, the smaller the band gap. It is noted that increased metallicity is inherited naturally from larger atomic mass for elements from the same element group, which weakens both bonding strength and ionicity, resulting in the narrowing of the band gap. Other important features include the electronegativity difference between cation and anion, cation electronegativity, phase type, and so on. For VBMs and CBMs, the rankings of feature importance are different: the average mass is not as important as for the band-gap prediction. VBMs depend strongly on the electronegativity difference between cation and anion, while the anion electron affinity is the most significant factor determining CBMs.
The predictive models can be further improved when predictors of set-I and set-II are combined as the new feature space: set-III predictors. As DFT-PBE can also be viewed as a good predictive model, machine learning methods based on set-III predictors can thus be viewed as a process of model stacking, which in general give better prediction performance. The predicted results for the validation sets are compared with the computed values in Fig.
We have explored fundamental band gaps and alignments of a group of two-dimensional semiconductors isoelectronic to phosphorene using machine learning techniques in combination with density functional theory. This family of 2D materials shares similar crystalline structures, but possesses unprecedented rich band-gap values ranging approximately from 0 eV to 8 eV. Based on the machine learning methods, we trained predictive models that can predict band-gap values and band-edge positions with surprisingly high accuracy. Among models discussed in the present work, SVR is found to have the best performance with RMSEs less than 0.15 eV for the predicted band gaps, VBMs, and CBMs when both PBE results and elemental information are used as predictors. We also demonstrate that the predictive models can be utilized for electronic properties prediction for more complicated systems, like quaternary compounds and alloys, shedding light on rational materials design for (opto)electronic and photocatalysis applications.
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